Beverly Therapists now offers telehealth sessions for residents of Illinois. Individuals should check with their insurance to verify their plan benefits. In Telehealth sessions, the therapist and client interact in real time - similar to contacting someone through a Zoom call or a Facetime call.
Our therapists provide a secure and HIPAA-compliant platform for the initial assessment and ongoing online counseling sessions. Additionally, our intake therapist can explore if Telehealth sessions are appropriate for your current need.
Telehealth sessions can be accessed from a computer or mobile phone. It is best to have a private space that ensures privacy and confidentiality for your session. Telehealth sessions do have specific limitations that could impact the session, such as issues with technology or internet connection strength. Though these could be uncommon, you and your therapist can explore options to problem-solve any technical issues that may arise.
Though Telehealth sessions are common in the counseling field and many insurance plans do cover this mode of therapy, it is best to contact your insurance plan and inquire if Telehealth sessions are a covered benefit. After you make initial contact with one of our therapists via phone or email, they will follow up to discuss your needs, mutual availability, payment/insurance issues. When an appointment is made, the therapist will send you informational forms and consents to complete and return electronically. Each of our therapists can guide you through this process so we can do the important work of connecting to support your emotional and mental health needs.
Questions about starting Telehealth sessions?
Contact any of our therapists directly from their profile page
Or contact our intake therapist at 773-310-3488 or